Assessing ocean warming effects on shifting fisheries catches in the NW Atlantic.
Climate change is already affecting marine ecosystems and shifting species from their historical ranges into previously unsuitable and sometimes poorly protected environments. The Northwest Atlantic is an ideal region to study ocean change because of its more rapid rate of warming. This project aims to assess...
Read MoreThe Use of Visuals in Marine Science Outreach
Visuals are a valuable tool in science communication, including education and outreach. They can clarify complex concepts, create two-way dialogue, and generate an emotional response. Science-art collaborations have been more prevalent in recent years, particularly in the marine science field. However, it is often difficult...
Read MoreMarine Future Proofing Project – Ocean Frontier Institute
Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks offer an important strategy that forms a growing aspect of ocean governance in Canada and elsewhere. MPAs are often designed explicitly to protect biodiversity, sustain or enhance productivity and critical habitat, maintain other functions and ocean health, and provide insurance...
Read MoreOceans Past Initiative
The Oceans Past Initiative (OPI) is a global research network for marine historical research. Our goal is to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life in the world’s oceans have changed over the long term to better indicate...
Read MoreFisheries and Marine Ecosystems Model Inter-comparison Project
FISH-MIP is the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Sector of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Inter-comparison Project (ISI-MIP), based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany. FISH-MIP is an international network of global and regional marine ecosystem modellers aiming to predict the impacts...
Read MoreLong-term changes in coastal ecosystem structure and functions
Coastal ecosystems are important structural and functional components of the ocean and provide essential services to human well-being, including seafood production, nutrient cycling, recreation and coastal protection. Yet they have been deeply transformed over historical time scales and continue to be altered by multiple human...
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